Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Free Stuff and Great Savings

It's a good day in the neighborhood.....the savings neighborhood that is!

Free Nestle Drumstick on 6/21

Stop by the Nestle Drumstick page on Facebook today 6/21.  Starting at 12 NOON EST, they will be giving away 100,000 certificates towards a free drumstick.
Thanks, CommonSensewithMoney

Wal Greens
Not a big saving week at Wal Greens, but if you didn't use your Gillette Fusion coupon from the Sunday Paper 6/5/11 you can use it this week and get your razor for .89, that's right .89.  You can stack these coupons.  I gave my razor as a part of my son's father's day gift.

Gillette Fusion ProGilde Razor, $9.89
Get $5 RR
$4/1 Gillette Fusion ProGilde Razor, exp. 6-30 (P&G 06/05/11)
$0.89 each after coupon and RR
 Royal Jello - 19 cents
Nabisco snacks - 50 cents after coupon in Walgreens booklet and 2/$1 coupon
Gatorade Fit - buy 3 of the Gatorade Fit items and get them free after $5 rebate that prints at register

HURRY! Free Sample of Jif-to-Go Peanut Butter!

Update:  This seems to be working again.  So try now!
Target has just put up a brand new sample!  Head over and request a free sample of Jif to Go Peanut Butter.  Samples usually take 4-6 weeks to get.  So be on the lookout for it in your mailbox.

Need coupons for Healthy Fare Joe the coupon Guy posted this site
Find coupons for all natural brands for food, groceries, natural remedies, natural beauty, nutritional supplements and pets.
Click here:
Thanks, Joe

Garnier Surprise on FB 6/21

Go to the Garnier Facebook page and “like” them and get ready for a surprise 6/21.

KMART   Double Coupons
Kmart is doubling coupons of 99 cents and less with your Shopping Your Way loyalty card through Saturday, June 25th - no limit!
Contact your local store before you make the trip to be sure they are participating.

Downy Giveaway on Facebook 6/20 and 6/23
Jun 20, 2011 12:21 pm | Mercedes

Stop by the Downy Facebook page  Thursday 6/23 at 11am Eastern Time. Downy will be giving away 6 load size bottles of Ultra Downy April Fresh. There will be about 2,500 bottles to giveaway  so stop by early.  This announcement was made on Friday on the Downy page.
Thanks, CommonSenseWith Money

Need some help with cleaning, decluttering and home organization then this is the site for you:
  FlyLady. It's a free system that teaches you to get organized, clean up and declutter your home 15 minutes at a time. (can we say no stress?) It's a pretty cool community (that generates a lot of email each day - beware of that!). But if you're looking for some household help and tips, it's the place to be.
Thanks, Wisebread

Blessings, Jean

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