Thursday, September 1, 2011

It's September 1, 2011 Frugally Saving Money with Stockpiling

Fall is just around the corner; can you feel the breeze?  Neither can I.  It is expected to be in the 90's today in our neck of the woods.  But don't despair, fall is out there somewhere. Just keep the faith.

I really love the fall and the spring.  I feel almost tranquil in those seasons.  In the fall the trees changing, the breeze blowing, it just doesn't get better than that.

It's time to prepare for the holidays.  Thanksgiving is just around the corner, got to get those coupons ready to buy all our needs for our big dinner.  There will be at least eleven of us this year.  I am collecting coupons now and starting my stockpile. I hope this will inspire you to kick it up a notch1."The early Couponer gets the best deals!"

Definition of STOCKPILE
 I work nights, so I shop in the early morning, the stores are not crowded, the mark down breads and 

    9.  Now you will have money to buy the things that you just want.
    10. Have fun stockpiling with coupons it is so much fun...soon you will be addicted, as I am.



transitive verb
: to place or store in or on a stockpile
: to accumulate a stockpile of <a country suspected of stockpiling weapons>
Now here are some rules of stockpiling:
1.  Buy at the lowest price possible and use a coupon with the higest value you can find.
2.  Watch the sales trends so that you will know when an item is at it's lowest sale price.
3.  Keep your stockpile coupons in a different envelope/folder than your weekly coupons so that     

    you are not tempted to buy at the wrong time.

4.  Most grocery items go on sale or cycle every 4-6 weeks.  I keep my circulars so I can refer to
    them.  Some bloggers suggest keeping a price book.  You will be looking for the lowest price 
    between the regular price and the bottom line.  You want it to be 50% or greater off the
    regular price.
5.  Combine a manufacture and a store coupon for the greatest coupon savings.  Many times the
     item is free or just pennies.  "Nothing is better than free"
6.  Buy store brands or generics if you can't get a coupon for something you need.  Many times
    I have found that store brands/generics are just as good or better than the named brand.
7.  Don't miss the Dollar stores and Aldi's.  You will be surprised at the savings.  Always check for 
    the expiration date.
8.  Read the circulars from all the stores before you head out and plan your shopping day and 
   plan your route.  I work nights, so I shop early mornings, the stores are not crowded, the
   mark down bread and cakes have not been picked over.  I buy and freeze.  Save where you
   can.  I shop on main streets where there is a mall and most of the stores I want to stop in.

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