Tuesday, October 12, 2010

74 Little known uses for Vinegar

This article has been my most looked at blog post so,   I thought I would repost it.  I hope it will help you live a greener life.  It is filled with helpful uses for vinegar.  If you have other uses for vinegar, please leave a comment below this article and I will gladly post them.  I would love to hear from you. Thank you for reading my blog, it is my desire to be an information blessing

Vinegar is my all time favorite frugal, enviornmentally friendly product.  There are so many uses for vinegar.  Below is a great article I found with pictures to show you how usefull vinegar is.  All of the post are helpful, but one is downright funny see # 10. I hope you find this article helpful.

Thanks to http://odyb.net for this most helpful article

    For Machines & Appliances

  1. Clear mineral deposits from a steam iron.
  2. Fill the water tank with white vinegar. Turn the iron to the steam setting and steam-iron a soft utility rag to clean the steam ports. Repeat the process with water, then thoroughly rinse out the inside of your iron.
  3. Clean lime deposits and calcium sludge from an automatic drip coffee maker.
  4. coffee maker Once a month fill the reservoir with white vinegar and run through the brew cycle. Rinse thoroughly with two cycles of cold water.
  5. Clean the hoses and unclog soap scum from a washing machine.
  6. Once a month pour one cup of white vinegar into the washing machine and run the machine through a normal cycle, without clothes.
  7. Clean rust from tools, bolts, and spigots.
  8. tools Soak the rusted tool, bolt, or spigot in undiluted white vinegar overnight.
  9. Keep a garbage disposal clean and smelling fresh.
  10. garbage disposal Mix one cup of vinegar in enough water to fill an ice cube tray, freeze the mixture, grind the cubes through the disposal, and flush with cold water.

    For The Kitchen

  11. Remove stubborn coffee stained cups and pots.
  12. coffee stain Fill the cup with vinegar overnight, then rinse with hot soapy water.
  13. Prevents misty spots on glassware.
  14. glassware Place a cup of white vinegar on the bottom rack of the dishwasher, run for five minutes, then run though the full cycle. A cup of white vinegar run through the entire cycle once a month will also reduce soap scum on the inner workings.
  15. Eliminate unpleasant cooking odors in the kitchen.
  16. kitchen Boil one tablespoon of white vinegar with one cup of water.
  17. Eliminate odors from used jars.
  18. jars Rinse peanut butter and mayonnaise jars with white vinegar.
  19. Turn a chicken bone into rubber.
  20. chicken bone Soak a chicken bone in a glass of vinegar for three days. It will bend like rubber.
  21. Deodorize a stale lunch box.
  22. lunch box Soak a paper napkin in vinegar and leave it inside the closed lunch box overnight.
  23. Kill bacteria in meat.
  24. meat Marinating meat in vinegar kills bacteria and tenderizes the meat. Use one-quarter cup vinegar for a two to three pound roast, marinate overnight, then cook without draining or rinsing the meat. Add herbs to the vinegar when marinating as desired.
  25. Cheese storage.
  26. cheese Cheese will last longer if you store it in a vinegar soaked cloth.
  27. Prevent cracked hard boiled eggs.
  28. egg crack Add two tablespoons of white vinegar per quart of water before boiling to prevent the eggs from cracking. The egg shells will also peel off faster and easier.
  29. Clean food-stained pots and pans.
  30. potspans Fill the pots and pans with white vinegar and let stand for thirty minutes. Then rinse in hot, soapy water.
  31. Wipe out caked food in the microwave.
  32. Fill a small bowl with equal parts hot water, place it in the microwave and set the power to high for 5 minutes. The steam built up inside makes it easier to clean.
  33. Remove chewing gum.
  34. Freeze it out and scrape off as much as you can first. Then saturate the area that has the gum on it with vinegar. The rest of the gum will actually dissolve. If the vinegar is heated first the process will work faster.

    For Diseases And Infections

  35. Relief Jellyfish stings.
  36. jellyfish Dot the irritation with vinegar to relieve itching.
  37. Relieve a sore throat.
  38. Put two teaspoons of vinegar in your humidifier. Check out these other natural remedies for recovering from a sore throat.
  39. Soothe sunburn pain.
  40. sunburn Apply undiluted vinegar to the burn.
  41. Cure an upset stomach.
  42. upset stomach Drink two teaspoons apple cider vinegar in one cup water to soothe an upset stomach.
  43. Relieve itching.
  44. itching Use a cotton ball to dab mosquito and other bug bites with vinegar straight from the bottle.
  45. Helps eliminate lice.
  46. Dissolves whatever glue the little buggers use to lay eggs on the hair shaft. Comb your hair and rinse it with equal parts water and vinegar.
  47. Ear Infections
  48. Dip a cotton bud into pure vinegar and dab onto affected areas.
  49. Acid Reflux
  50. 2 tablespoons in a full glass of water, sipped, usually first thing in the morning and 1 tablespoon before meals to control acid reflux/hiatal hernia.
  51. Athlete’s foot (and all other fungal infections).
  52. Dab directly onto the affected areas.
  53. Dissolve warts.
  54. warts Mix one part apple cider vinegar to one part glycerin into a lotion and apply daily to warts until they dissolve.
  55. Remove corns.
  56. corn Make a poultice of one crumbled piece of bread soaked in one-quarter cup vinegar. Let poultice sit for one-half hour, then apply to the corn and tape in place overnight. If corn does not peel off by morning, reapply the poultice for several consecutive nights.
  57. Relieve a cold.
  58. cold Mix one-quarter cup apple cider vinegar with one-quarter cup honey. Take one tablespoon six to eight times daily.
  59. Relieve arthritis.
  60. arthritis Before each meal, drink a glass of water containing two teaspoons apple cider vinegar. Give this folk remedy at least three weeks to start working.
  61. Relieve a cough.
  62. cough Mix one-half cup apple cider vinegar, one-half cup water, one teaspoon cayenne pepper, and four teaspoons honey. Take one tablespoon when cough acts up. Take another tablespoon at bedtime.
  63. Dandruff treatment.
  64. dandruff Simply pour a few tablespoons of vinegar on your hair and massage into your scalp. Wait a few minutes, then rinse and wash hair like normal. Try this for a few days until you see results. It restores chemical balance to the skin.
  65. Acne remedy.
  66. Remedy for acne skin conditions when diluted 50:50 with water and used as a toner. Careful around the eyes.

    For Maintaining Health

  67. Flake off old skin cells.
  68. If you can take it, put a cotton bud or cotton square with appe cider vinegar and dab all over your face. It’s safer and so much cheaper than any store-bought ‘alpha hydroxy’ products.
  69. Neutralizing hot spice.
  70. When you eat something too spicy hot (habenero, jalepeno, wasabi) you can quickly get rid of the burn by dabbing your tounge with vinegar.
  71. Take care of body odors.
  72. Use vinegar when soap won’t knock down the body odor in your arm pits. And any other area you feel requires attention.
  73. Dry skin repair & Skin Softener.
  74. dry skin Add one-half cup of vinegar or so to warm bath water when bathing and get double benefits; softer skin and a cleaner bathtub with less work. Smooth a little vinegar on cracked, dried skin to help it heal.
  75. Clean dentures.
  76. dentures Soak dentures overnight in vinegar, then brush away tartar with a toothbrush.
  77. Weight loss.
  78. measure waist One thing that science has shown is that apple cider vinegar might help to balance blood sugar. Insulin responses have been shown to create excess belly fat. Therefore, if insulin and blood sugar are controlled, a person might lose weight. Fat might in fact be as much a matter of hormones (insulin) than lack of activity. Of course, more than likely they go hand in hand.
  79. Cure the hiccups.
  80. hiccups Mix one teaspoon apple cider vinegar in one cup of warm water, and drink.
  81. Prevent yeast infections.
  82. yeast Apple cider vinegar is a natural remedy for yeast infections, when diluted with water and used as a douche. For example, douche with one tablespoon white vinegar to one quart warm water to adjust the pH balance in the vajayjay.
  83. Condition dry hair.
  84. hair Shampoo, then rinse hair with a mixture of one cup apple cider vinegar and two cups water. Vinegar adds highlights to brunette hair, restores the acid mantel, and removes soap film and sebum oil.
  85. Clean eyeglasses.
  86. eyeglass Wipe each lens with a drop of vinegar.

    For Fabric

  87. Longer-lasting pantyhose.
  88. pantyhose Add one tablespoon of vinegar to the rinse water when washing, and your pantyhose will last longer.
  89. Prevent lint from clinging to clothes.
  90. lint Add one cup vinegar to each wash load.
  91. Deodorize a wool sweater.
  92. wool sweaTER Wash sweater, then rinse in equal parts vinegar and water to remove odor.
  93. Remove perspiration stains from clothes.
  94. perspire Apply one part white vinegar to four parts water, then rinse.
  95. Prevent bright colored clothes from fading.
  96. bright clothes Before putting the article in the washing machine, soak it in white vinegar for ten minutes.
  97. Remove stubborn stains from furniture upholstery and clothes.
  98. upholstery Apply white vinegar directly to the stain, then wash as directed by the manufacturer’s instructions.
  99. Remove light scorch marks from fabrics.
  100. scorch Rub lightly with white vinegar, then wipe with a clean cloth.
  101. Eliminate animal urine stains from carpet.
  102. carpet Blot up urine, flush several times with lukewarm water, then apply a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and cool water. Blot up, rinse, and let dry.

    For The Garden

  103. Grow beautiful azaleas.
  104. azaleas Occasionally water plants with a mixture of two tablespoons white vinegar to one quart water. Azaleas love acidic soil.
  105. Kill unwanted grass like weeds.
  106. weeds Pour white vinegar in crevices and between bricks.

    For The Toilet

  107. Kill germs on bathroom fixtures.
  108. bathroom Use one part vinegar to one part water in a spray bottle. Spray the bathroom fixtures and floor, then wipe clean.
  109. Clean soap scum, mildew, and grime from bathtub, tile, and shower curtains.
  110. shower curtains Simply wipe the surface with white vinegar and rinse with water.
  111. Clean a toilet bowl.
  112. toilet bowl Pour in one cup of white vinegar, let it stand for five minutes, and flush.
  113. Unclog a shower head.
  114. shower head Unscrew the shower head, remove the rubber washer, place the head in a pot filled with equal parts vinegar and water, bring to a boil, then simmer for five minutes.

    For Inside The House

  115. Awesome solution for mopping the floor with.
  116. Fill the bucket with 1/3 white vinegar and 2/3 water and mop. Extremely efficient and many times cheaper than commercial products.
  117. Clean grout haze.
  118. Cleaning grout haze or bricks of excess mortar is much easier with vinegar mixed in water than water alone.
  119. Retard patching plaster from drying.
  120. plaster Add one tablespoon white vinegar to the water when mixing plaster to slow the drying time.
  121. Wash walls.
  122. wall Wipe down your walls with a vinegar water mixture, which helps absorb odors and clean surfaces.
  123. Remove wallpaper.
  124. wallpaper Mix equal parts vinegar and hot water. Use a paint roller to wet the paper thoroughly with the mixture. Repeat. Paper should peal off in sheets.
  125. Clean windows.
  126. windows Use undiluted vinegar in a spray bottle. Dry with a soft cloth.
  127. Prolong the life of flowers in a vase.
  128. flowers Add two tablespoons of white vinegar plus three tablespoons of sugar per quart of warm water. Stems should be in three to four inches of water.
  129. Deodorize the air.
  130. spray Vinegar is a natural air freshener when sprayed in a room.
  131. Deodorize a room filled with cigarette smoke or paint fumes.
  132. water bowl Place a small bowl of white vinegar in the room.
  133. Repel ants.
  134. repel ants Use a spray bottle or mister filled with a solution of equal parts vinegar and water around door jambs, window sills, water pipes, and foundation cracks.
  135. Fish bowl cleaner.
  136. fishbowl Eliminate that ugly deposit in the gold fish tank by rubbing it with a cloth dipped in vinegar and rinsing well.
  137. Clean paintbrushes.
  138. brushes Simmer paint brushes in pure vinegar, then wash in hot soapy water.

    For Outside The House

  139. Keep drains open.
  140. drain Pour one-half box of old baking soda down the drain followed by one cup white vinegar. When the bubbling stops, run the hot water.
  141. Prolong and brighten propane lanterns.
  142. propane Soak new wicks for several hours in white vinegar and let them dry before inserting. Propane lanterns will burn longer and brighter on the same amount of fuel.
  143. Cleaning and deodorizing cages and litter pans for small animals
  144. Soak a cloth in equal parts vinegar and water. Spray clean the cages and litter pans before wiping it.

    For The Car

  145. Remove decals or bumper stickers or price tag.
  146. decals Soak a cloth in vinegar and cover the decal or bumper sticker for several minutes until the vinegar soaks in. The decals and bumper stickers should peel off easily.
  147. Prevent ice from forming on a car windshield overnight.
  148. windshield Coat the window with a solution of three parts vinegar to one part water.  As always, "Let's Save some money" Jean

1 comment:

JustUgly said...

Great images! I bet that took forever!

Good post - people will come back to it again and again.