Monday, December 7, 2009

All You "Enjoy life for less"

Run, don't walk to your nearest Wal Mart store.  Pick up a cpoy of "All You Magazine". This is one of the best money saving investments you will make this week.  It will coust you $2.24 and give you $64.80 worth of coupons.  You will find it at the check-out counter. On page 31 there is a coupon for $1.50 off  Dove Cream oil body lotion, on page 85 $1.00 off a jar Peter Pan Peanut Butter, $1.00 off Hunt's canned Tomatoes, $1.00 off Oriville Redenbacher's Gourmet Pop Corn and $1.00 off Marie Callender Pasta Al Dente and so many more throughout the magazine. It's the magazine that pays for itself over and over.

Not only are there great coupon savings each month, but there is information on how to enjoy life for less.
There are cost saving recepies, time saving strategies, timely new information, fashion and beauty. In this December issue there is an article on how to get more from your coupons.  The article is titled   Don't believe these coupon myths.  Learn savvy ways to save.
Post a comment and let me know what you think.
Let's save some money!

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